
Creative Minds counts on support and engagement from our families to sustain the positive and vibrant community life of our school. We prioritize meaningful opportunities for family engagement because we understand that active parental involvement improves student academic performance and contributes to a positive school climate.

Families at CMI take an active part in student learning. We invite families to join us for Exit Point activities in the classroom, student performances, Family Nights, Parent Workshops, parent-teacher conferences, community meetings, field days, and other events throughout the year. We keep our families up to date on school happenings through our twice-a-month school newsletter, weekly classroom newsletters, our Facebook page, and our Twitter and Instagram accounts.

The Creative Families Association

The Creative Families Association (CFA) represents parents and guardians at Creative Minds International Public Charter School. The CFA is an inclusive and open space for all CMI families and welcomes all levels of involvement, from volunteering for leadership positions to participating in CFA events. For more information about the CFA, please visit the Creative Families Association website.

At-risk Funding Plan

CMI spends its at-risk funding to offer at-risk students supplemental resources and staff support that will help them be successful in school. Read a summary of our at-risk spending for the 2019–20 school year here.

CMI’s Open Board Meeting Policy

The Board’s overall objective is to conduct school business in a transparent manner; many Board documents, including financial statements, are available for view online. While many Board meetings deal with personnel issues, awards, or other matters of confidential nature, we will hold a minimum of one open Board meeting in the Fall per school year. We will announce the date of this open meeting on the CMI website, and in an email to the CMI community, at least ten days in advance. This schedule complies with CMI’s bylaws, which specify there shall be at least ten meetings of the Board held each year. Members of the CMI community who wish to contact the Board are welcome do so at any time.
