Driving & Parking on Campus
Updated November 7, 2022.
On campus and in the school building you must wear a mask (even in your car) at all times; the mask requirement applies to everyone over the age of two.
Our landlord, the Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH), takes driving and parking very seriously. Please follow the instructions of AFRH security personnel, who have the authority to ticket cars and cite drivers for infractions. With continued infractions a family member may lose the privilege of driving or parking on campus. Creative Minds does not have the authority to revoke AFRH decisions.
When walking on campus, please use sidewalks and cross only at crosswalks; do not cross anywhere else.
See our campus map for the locations of entrance and exit gates and the Creative Minds parking lot for families and visitors.
Driving Rules
- Drive slowly!
- If you’re talking on your phone while driving on campus, you must use a hands-free device.
- Enter and exit campus through Harewood Gate, at 60 Harewood Road NW, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. On Friday, Harewood Gate is also open from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Enter and exit through Eagle Gate, at 140 Rock Creek Church Road NW, whenever Harewood Gate is closed.
- Carpool when possible.
Parking Rules
Creative Minds’ use of the parking areas on campus has been strictly defined, and we must adhere to the rules to maintain our parking privileges.
Parking in unauthorized spaces is illegal and may result in the AFRH ticketing cars, as well as revoking a family’s driving privileges and access to campus. If infractions continue, it is possible that all parking for Creative Minds families will be prohibited.
- Park ONLY in Lot 5.
- DO NOT park or stand in Lot 2 (the lot closest to the play space), not even for afternoon dismissal.
- DO NOT park in spaces for AFRH residents or Creative Minds staff.
Drop-off Rules
The drop-off lane is available from 8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
- SLOW DOWN in the drop-off lane.
- Pull up to the curb but not onto the sidewalk. Proceed carefully and stay aware of the many children around you.
- Pull up all the way to the end of the lane. Move quickly in helping your child out of the vehicle; staff are there to assist.
- DO NOT park in the drop-off lane or leave your car unattended, not even for a few minutes.
- DO NOT leave your vehicle in fire lanes or areas marked by cones at any time.
- DO NOT double park in the drop-off lane or block the handicapped spots at the end of the drop-off lane.