CMI’s technology program provides students with a solid foundation in technology skills, knowledge, and understandings that will serve them well today and into a promising future. Here at CMI, classes can be seen using technology in multiple ways: making their classroom a global one by connecting with classes in other places; experiencing the integrated learning of STEAM by creating multimedia projects to demonstrate understanding; or benefitting from personalized learning by honing math skills using adaptive applications.
Technology is not an add-on at CMI, but rather an integrated part of our curricula. The IPC and IMYC clearly define learning goals that describe the knowledge, skills and understandings that students should have in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In addition to following the IPC and IMYC goals for technology, CMI implements the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for students, which are designed to empower student voice, support learning as a student-driven process, and prepare students to thrive in a constantly-changing technological world.
Perfectly adapted to CMI’s philosophy and curriculum, STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) helps students become critical and creative thinkers. STEAM projects–such as redesigning a city or building a model of a vertical farm–allow for scientific inquiry, mathematical application, artistic exploration, and hands-on discovery. Coding is an important element of STEAM. By using child-friendly computer programming environments such as MIT’s Scratch, CMI students gain skills in creative and computational thinking.
Students flourish in their use of modern collaborative technology tools. CMI provides students with the use of Chromebooks (elementary and middle schools) and iPads (early childhood). Students in CMI’s upper elementary and middle school grades make use of Google for Education’s suite of authentic and relevant tools for writing, organizing data, designing, and presenting. In addition, students in all grades have access to a wide range of applications to support learning across content areas.
Along with the privilege of using technology comes the responsibility. CMI embraces its obligation to prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary to use these tools safely and wisely. Teachers and technology specialists look to Common Sense Education for its high-quality Digital Citizenship curriculum and learning activities.